Dez 242008

Nach unserer Ausbildung als e-Tutor_in in der Universität Hamburg hatte ich nun einen ersten Auftrag geplant und umgesetzt. Nach einem ersten Gespräch mit dem betreffenden Dozenten in der Erziehungswissenschaft habe ich herausgefiltert, welche Problemfelder in der universitären Lehre ihn konkret beschäftigen und welche Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten e-learning Elemente bieten könnten:

  • bei der Arbeit mit EduCommsy ist es umständlich, viele Projekträume manuell auf neue Einträge zu prüfen
    -> per RSS Feedreader lässt sich schnell in einem Programm prüfen, ob es neue Einträge gibt
  • wenn mehrere Systeme in der Lehre parallel verwendet werden, ist das Einstellen verbindlicher Inhalte in EduCommsy problematisch, wenn gar nicht alle Studierenden sich dort schnell zurechtfinden
    -> im *mms , dem MultiMedia-Studio an der Universität Hamburg, gibt es einführende Kurse zu Commsy, ebenfalls gibt es online bei und offline bei SchuCommsy Hamburg Hilfestellungen zur Benutzung
  • wenn regelmäßig Veranstaltungen durchgeführt werden mit ähnlichen Inhalten, ist das manuelle Einstellen von Materialien in die entsprechenden EduCommsy Räume immer wieder neue Arbeit
    -> das Erstellen von Vorlagen für regelmäßige Veranstaltungen kann mit der Commsy-Software realisiert werden, indem einmalig ein Raum mit den gewünschten Einstellungen und Inhalten erstellt wird und dann archiviert und als Vorlage gespeichert wird
  • was kann mit Web2.0 tools in der Lehre realisiert werden, was den Aufwand der Einarbeitung rechtfertigt?
    -> ich habe eine Sammlung zu Web 2.0 zusammengestellt und ihm die Konzepte von Social Bookmarking, Podcasts, Blogs und Wikis vorgestellt. Dies habe ich in der inhaltlich bedingten Methode einer Sammlung in delicious realisiert. Hier sind alle Lesezeichen unter dem Tag „e-Tutor“ zu finden, die ich ihm für den Einstieg in mir bekannte praxisrelevante Web 2.0 tools empfohlen habe

Jetzt braucht es erst einmal erste eigene praktische Schritte, um das Alles „sacken zu lassen“. Vielleicht ist dies von allgemeinem Interesse, dass nach einer intensiven „Input-Phase“ mit einer/-m Dozent_in erstmal eine Zeit eingeplant werden muss, in der Dozent_innen eigene Erfahrungen sammeln, bevor sie weitere Unterstützung brauchen.

Es gibt im Januar ein erstes Auswertungstreffen der e-Tutor_innen, vielleicht schreibe ich danach mehr zum Thema.

Hier gibt es noch einen Überblick vom e-push Team: „Review: eQualifizierung von Lehrenden durch studentische Berater

Nach unserer Ausbildung als e-Tutor_in in der Universität Hamburg hatte ich nun einen ersten Auftrag geplant und umgesetzt. Nach einem ersten Gespräch mit dem betreffenden Dozenten in der Erziehungswissenschaft habe ich herausgefiltert, welche Problemfelder in der universitären Lehre ihn konkret beschäftigen und welche Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten e-learning Elemente bieten könnten:

  • bei der Arbeit mit EduCommsy ist es umständlich, viele Projekträume manuell auf neue Einträge zu prüfen
    -> per RSS Feedreader lässt sich schnell in einem Programm prüfen, ob es neue Einträge gibt
  • wenn mehrere Systeme in der Lehre parallel verwendet werden, ist das Einstellen verbindlicher Inhalte in EduCommsy problematisch, wenn gar nicht alle Studierenden sich dort schnell zurechtfinden
    -> im *mms , dem MultiMedia-Studio an der Universität Hamburg, gibt es einführende Kurse zu Commsy, ebenfalls gibt es online bei und offline bei SchuCommsy Hamburg Hilfestellungen zur Benutzung
  • wenn regelmäßig Veranstaltungen durchgeführt werden mit ähnlichen Inhalten, ist das manuelle Einstellen von Materialien in die entsprechenden EduCommsy Räume immer wieder neue Arbeit
    -> das Erstellen von Vorlagen für regelmäßige Veranstaltungen kann mit der Commsy-Software realisiert werden, indem einmalig ein Raum mit den gewünschten Einstellungen und Inhalten erstellt wird und dann archiviert und als Vorlage gespeichert wird
  • was kann mit Web2.0 tools in der Lehre realisiert werden, was den Aufwand der Einarbeitung rechtfertigt?
    -> ich habe eine Sammlung zu Web 2.0 zusammengestellt und ihm die Konzepte von Social Bookmarking, Podcasts, Blogs und Wikis vorgestellt. Dies habe ich in der inhaltlich bedingten Methode einer Sammlung in delicious realisiert. Hier sind alle Lesezeichen unter dem Tag „e-Tutor“ zu finden, die ich ihm für den Einstieg in mir bekannte praxisrelevante Web 2.0 tools empfohlen habe

Jetzt braucht es erst einmal erste eigene praktische Schritte, um das Alles „sacken zu lassen“. Vielleicht ist dies von allgemeinem Interesse, dass nach einer intensiven „Input-Phase“ mit einer/-m Dozent_in erstmal eine Zeit eingeplant werden muss, in der Dozent_innen eigene Erfahrungen sammeln, bevor sie weitere Unterstützung brauchen.

Es gibt im Januar ein erstes Auswertungstreffen der e-Tutor_innen, vielleicht schreibe ich danach mehr zum Thema.

Jul 042008

Probably not the last, but at least the final post about the seminar i want to use for summing up the formal structure / tasks and preparing the questions about the examination.

The tasks are listed at the seminars webpage.

Task #1 „How about yourself?“ you can find at the post „expectations and experiences“.

Task #2 „What is e-learning?“ you can find at the post „about e-learning and education“.

Task #3 „Select a picture“ and Task #4 you can find at the post „Task #3 and #4“.

Task #5 „Skype session“ you will find a post about at „todays skype session“.

Task #6 „learning enviroments“ you can find at the post „about my learning enviroments“.

Task #7 „online session and learning enviroments“ you can find at „todays skype session“.

Task #8 „learning theories“ you will find results of at the seminars wiki.

The examination:

The questions we can choose from are the following:

Possible Questions/Topics

2. How did the Blog influence your Learning?
a. What was the biggest Problem with the Blog?
b. What was the best related to working with a blog?

3. What is the most valuable content in your Blog and why?

4. Explain how you worked with your blog.

5. Which other Blog did you like best and why?
a. Did you read the other Blogs?

6. Was there a differece to other seminars because of the blogs?

7. How could you connect content from this seminar to the rest of your studys?

8. Will you try to keep your Blog in the future?
a. If yes for what kind of purposes?

I am going to prepare for the 2nd, the 3rd an 6 because i was not connecting that much with the other blogs, so i could not answere question 5. less simple than: „I was not investing that much time to read a lot in other blogs“. This is a pitty, but there are other things for me to do beneath this seminar, and i just looked shortly on other peoples content, as i was also mentioning in my post „one comment and a lot of time“.

Question 4 is less interesting for me than the one choosen, the same with question 8.

Just question 7 is connected to the 6th, so probably i will mix it a bit in between.

By the way i still have not figured out when to make this meeting / examination. I will write Ralf a comment about this 😉

Jun 172008

Today i was writing while the session took place.

First ralf presented the schedule of today, then we evaluated the online-session of last week.
We listed them on the whiteboard with „activestudio 3 professional“:


* first: experience

now: development

* it is fun

* nice to decide individual learning setting

* very active learning environment


* do if from home

* too many platforms

* tips on how to communicate with each other (skype)

* more stucture is needed (text chat)

* log in problems

* disruptive

* easier distraction

Simon had a problem with the webcam and the conntection. Also he criticized the overcrowded communication with all that different platforms and the way of communication: who is writing to whom? We needed tips how to do that. How to communicate, do we need moderation, who is talking when? Is there an option to moderate ? Good at skype is, that you see when somebody is typing, so you can guess, who wants to say something. I mentioned that there are maybe no fixed „rules“ but communication-development of technics over centuries which are maybe „bewährt“. Daniel mentioned a big positive point: We could all participate and stay home. Is the sound working? When you want to work with it, you do not have time for checking the sound. You need a second plan after your masterplan. What would be useful would be a kind of „emergency button“ to have less repeating content and to mention „i am lost“. This could be techical realised similair to this backchannel or handshake. There were technical problems with one person, who was not able to log in. It was frustrating for him, cause he could just hear some few words and the end of the session. Then he was not recognizing when the session was over, but it was a new thing and fun.

People were distracted but also active. The content was missing, so this was the first-time experience which made us distracted from content. But it was good that we could choose our individual learning environment and therefor it was a very active way of learning. The question is if it was learning about the tools or if you want to learn about a content and use it as a method. People tended to get tired when we saw that video of 10 minutes. So for learning facts it is not clear if there are good results and fun, too.

helpful things:

established rules



1st session technical issues and 2nd content


have plan b

backchannel / handshake

emergency button

There was a good experience with two teachers, one for the content, one for the technics and a lot of listeners when ralf made it with students from rotterdam.

We talked about „Adobe connect“, which makes it possible to see a session again. This software we used last week for the

There you have camera, screenshot and a text-chat. You can turn on and off more pods (little windows) like filesharing, camera-sharing, notes. You can also change the formats and screen-„Aufteilung“. There was a question wether it is like a walky talky or like a telephone. Everybody can talk and listen the same time.

You have to buy the system but connected to the screening-time it is more or less expensive.

Some examples are at, ralf will tell us later when he figured out where to find a propper example to show us more than we experienced last week.

We saw an example together from:

This is a e-learning session which used the same software like we last week (breezesrv)

presentation of elena, selma and simon working on computer-based training (CBT) and web-based training (WBT)

The presentation is available here (slides) and here (videos, i missed the link).

The group started with a video we watch together about computer-based trainingThere Elena is shown how she uses a sports course from a guiding CD rom. There is a certain structure and sometimes by a virtual teacher. There are fromal aspects and informal aspects. Negative aspects are that you cannot update, cannot discuss or change the setting, it is fixed on the medium.

A slideshow we see consists of definitions, advantages and disadvantages. It becomes obsolete quickly, there is no interaction between users intended. There are few distractions and there are few technical gadgets (small technical devices) needed.

Next videoclip is about web-based training. The example is showing how to use the WBT to train languages. There are also web-based trainings as games available (with tasks in a virtual cartoon surrounding).

Again slideshows about this systems are shown with their advantages and disadvantages. They differ from CBT as well as the range of use. This you can find in detail at the slides.

Now we start an discussion about what kind of system we might use and what we would prefer. Nowadays a lot of phones have webbrowsers as well, so the future is in the web. But it is sometimes much more usefull for long bus trips f.e. There are also companies which give not all employees an internet-access. There could be webbased systems also in the internet.

We can try ourselves at for one example of WBT.

Evaluation: Group work coordination and communication was working sometimes not that well. The technical points create gaps. There was a question about publishing and copyrights. If you put content to the web you should think about it but for educational matters it is not that big point. There is a report about problems at e-bay with that kind of copyright,

Now we are going to rush through the last points of the schedule.

There is a new Task #8 available. This is more about theory and putting the practise back into the connection to learning.

We should fill the links at the wiki: learning theory page. The idea is to work collaboratively on the wiki. I liked that point with the references there. So we are going to research and fill gaps step by step. Then ralf presented the schedule of the next weeks. There will be still 3 sessions where we meet and after the conclusion we will have some single conclusions about each others work.

The open points for the session in two weeks which is still not filled

ideas for the schedule in two weeks are:

1. clean up (pfd summarizing the seminar in a way)

2. e- moderation

3. technical stuff like how to use the beamer

4. connection of „important people“ and reliable sources about e-learning

5. overview of software, platforms, etc.

ralf likes that we do not use our blog only for this seminar, but as a traveling diary or just professional blog,…
If there is a need for more reflections, we can use the „semesterferien“ 😉

Jun 102008

in a couple of minutes, our skype-session will start.

I put allready a link on the wiki about my PLE’s and am interested to see whats going to happen next 😉

Ok, now the session is over, we had a lot of fun and technical experiences and the topic of communication and how to coordinate and decide what to do was very present. So i think it was a successfull demonstration of where are the main fields of conflicts and what are the advantages of online-chat and video, phone conversation. Of course for a first time it might be a bit too much to find your way, but at least we went in the direction and made personal experiences much more worth than just to talk about it.

I liked very much the non-formal way of just starting communication about something without somebody asking us to do so we made quite personal conversations via chat and i was thinking about people are somewhere else but still connected. Maybe this was when people first time used a analog phone and felt like „the other person must be close, cause i can hear her or him“. Quite exciting. And usefull as well.

I think todays meeting was very important for the seminar, as it opened a direct experience of free to use options to held conversations and even life-tutorials. Not everything was that easy to coordinate but i would guess for next time it is much more easy to see the traps of communication via web.

Interesting also how the fun took a lot of space in the chat and that i could walk around in between as i liked it and i can sit how i want in the surrounding i prefer and still take part in a conversation and exchange. This is fascinating me.

The conflicts with the technics was not as bad as i expected. It seems like it takes some time to figure out the „Do not“s of communicating via internet, like with every technical equipment you want to use. The same with a video-screening i made from time to time. First few projects i was not testing the technic befor and not setting up the screen in a propper way and so on. Learning is a process in all its directions.

So thanx to all the people with whom i had a lot of laugh today, including ralf

and see you next week

just one of the best quotes from our text-chat 🙂

Haukie aus Hamburg
yes, i can hear jonas
i could
I heard him for a few seconds

Apr 162008

As i had some free time i was writing a comment to „what is e-learning“ from juliane i tried to describe my view on a post in. It took quite a lot of time and efford to write in a deep and structured way, so i hope i get through all the other posts of the other people as well (at least to read and understand and comment a bit) 🙂

As i had some free time i was writing a comment to „what is e-learning“ fromjuliane i tried to describe my view on a post in. It took quite a lot of time and efford to write in a deep and structured way, so i hope i get through all the other posts of the other people as well (at least to read and understand and comment a bit) 🙂