Juni 012008

a bit late, but…

Last week we held our presentation / groupwork about LMS and LCMS systems.

We started up with short definitions of LMS and LCMS via power point. After that we compared a real classroom and its learning setting with these more or less complex systems in general also via power point. The idea was to present a situation, which could make transparent, why such technology might be interesting to use for a teacher. Starting with the needs of the educational setting we wanted to present then the implementations, which could be used to support the organisational work the participants face in the specific learning setting. There had been some discussion about open source and free software in between when we introduced stine, blackboard, commsy and moodle.

After this short introduction we started the prepared group work (see power point) in three splitted groups, which should compare the systems later. After the whole presentation we discussed wether the timeframe was extended too much because of presenting three different systems in this group work.

The evaluation after it was more or less not going into deepth as i thought befor. To short time and maybe it would be better to use two or more seperated blocks for such an idea to go in the direction of developing quality standards with all participants. But there i listed while the discussion took place all the comments made about the different systems (the aim of developing quality standards was quitted in the first steps because of time):


+ pretty easy and logical
+ made up columns good
– to write a mail you have to do too many steps
– possibility for misusing (wrong name / account possible)
+ easy to get tasks done


– took a little while to start
+ tasks were ok to manage
– feature to use blog but noone use it, does not seem personal, just technical


– does not went that easy, did not manage tasks done
– possible to send mail, but first to search user and to create mail account
– no outside mailaccount possible to use
– buttons were not easy to find
+ many possibilities
+ helpful to see what students do and not do
+ / – depends on the role you have to see specific content

The conclusion of the whole project for me is that a prepared presentation is even better if you tested it once befor, but that i feel allready firm enough to be flexible in coorporating groups and that for people who get confronted with a content first time it takes also a while to „digest“ and that less content in more time is sometimes helping. On the other side it went good and i guess people had some impression afterwards, what might be real problems people face using technologies in their educational work. Therefor it was good to start a group work, but this extended the timeframe also a bit too much. All in all another step in the field of e-learning.

See you in around a week then and please add some more content at the evaluation of our project at the wiki quality standards page or as just as a comment to this post if you feel like and if you find time 😉

Mai 242008

Just a short sum-up of my handwritings i made at the presentation:

the presentation was held by susanne, luise and samuel

You can find another evaluation of the presentation at progress and reflection from levke and Micro-learning and Mobile Learning from sly and a third one at Micro and Mobile Learning from juliane.

methods used for the presentation: podcasts, powerpoint, videclips, fotostory


1st microlearning podcast (in german, sorry):
– Lerneinheiten
– Microcontent-Formen blogs / social bookmarking
– referenzierbare und strukturierte Inhalte
– Mikroebene ist nicht zeitaufwändig
– die mediale Umgebung kann über den Tag verteilt verwendet werden

An example for microlearning: Learning about Barcelona with pictures / pieces of content with short texts

second podcast:
– Karteikarte / Frage -> multiple choice ?
– push Prinzip: „nicht aufdringlich“
– „wegdrücken“ des Lernflusses / auch Problematisch
– Zwischenräume zum Lernen nutzen

My critics on this: to get results, you need to invest time anyway, so do not think just because you have nice sounding methods learning is no work anymore

Mobile Learning

Example: sms coaches which send tasks to you

Different contents can be learned across locations and with the help of portable technologies

It is also a big business of companies

Does it make sense to use mobile devices in a classroom?

(never say „of course“ in a presentation“)

Definitions and / or content of learning-types

Formal learning -> strict, aiming for diploma, grade etc., institutions

Nonformal learning -> intended learning, but not formal (the opposite of formal learning)

Informal learning -> not intended, daily life learning

critics: Isn’t it also a type of advertisment for commercial products to use „new“ terms for things which are not new? If it is big business, suddenly everything is named with keywords which sound like innovation.

A question was: What type of learning is „microlearning“ / „mobilelearning“?

Answer: It is intentional learning, but as f.e. sms coaching is nonformal, a presentation like here in the seminar is a formal learning setting.

Some more examples for microlearning were named:
– vocabulary words
– short poems

The intention of microlearning is to be used as an addition, as a modern way f.e. in languages with using the understanding of memorization and in companies for communication seminars, to integrate content in daily life.

Time for concentration is said to be no more than 30 Minutes and for memorizing it is important to use items and intervalls / rhythms.

Where could you use it in your practice?

One comment was, if you have no interest, you will not learn, whatever is the method.

Another: Learning in small sequences is not new, just the way to integrate IT in learning issues.

The integration of learning in daily life sounds to be easy via these methods, f.e. via i-pod for free learning foreign language

Fun and learning together is good, f.e. on the way travelling to university and to be time efficient is good

but multitasking seems to overcrowd and to individualise people

it can be a pressure so that informal learning fall apart

there are learning types and it is good to offer different types of learning, so good to know about technics

mixing traditional with modern methods makes a lot of sense

Mai 192008

In the Post Gimme a List a Top 100 Tools for (e)Learning was mentioned.

Interesting, that the hits for good tools in practice are mainly free tools ;-) But not open source, as it seems commercial advertising is doing a good job in spreading information to customers.

And i found it again a bit strange that the tools are mixed up from different software backgrounds like webbrowser and social bookmarking instead of educational software or software aiming on educational processes. Maybe because they are not constructed the way people would like to use educational software. But it seems anyway that learning in this context is not an intended act but rather a fall-out (to describe it negative) or a intrinsic motivation to get the “cool things” working.

In the Post Gimme a List a Top 100 Tools for (e)Learning was mentioned.

Interesting, that the hits for good tools in practice are mainly free tools ;-) But not open source, as it seems commercial advertising is doing a good job in spreading information to customers.

And i found it again a bit strange that the tools are mixed up from different software backgrounds like webbrowser and social bookmarking instead of educational software or software aiming on educational processes. Maybe because they are not constructed the way people would like to use educational software. But it seems anyway that learning in this context is not an intended act but rather a fall-out (to describe it negative) or a intrinsic motivation to get the “cool things” working.

Apr. 222008

our group page at the wiki is ready to start:


there we will collect all the ongoing information and data about the project.

our group page at the wiki is ready to start:


there we will collect all the ongoing information and data about the project.

Apr. 162008

As i had some free time i was writing a comment to „what is e-learning“ from juliane i tried to describe my view on a post in. It took quite a lot of time and efford to write in a deep and structured way, so i hope i get through all the other posts of the other people as well (at least to read and understand and comment a bit) 🙂

As i had some free time i was writing a comment to „what is e-learning“ fromjuliane i tried to describe my view on a post in. It took quite a lot of time and efford to write in a deep and structured way, so i hope i get through all the other posts of the other people as well (at least to read and understand and comment a bit) 🙂

Apr. 162008

For this week, our task #3 was published and i have chosen the sheep as picture. You can see it here:

The next step is searching for information and collect to create a presentation as a bigger collective project.

I suggested allready to use a wiki for this task, as it is more close to the aims we want to reach with the project than a blog could be (coordination, developing documents, ongoing parallel work,…)

Our part-work for the project is: LMS (Learning Management System) and LCMS (Learning Content Management System) and the group members are

I will try to set up a seperate new wiki page at loveitorchangeit.com for our group-work as soon as i have access to the wiki…

For this week, our task #3 was published and i have chosen the sheep as picture. You can see it here:

The next step is searching for information and collect to create a presentation as a bigger collective project.

I suggested allready to use a wiki for this task, as it is more close to the aims we want to reach with the project than a blog could be (coordination, developing documents, ongoing parallel work,…)

Our part-work for the project is: LMS (Learning Management System) and LCMS (Learning Content Management System) and the group members are

I will try to set up a seperate new wiki page at loveitorchangeit.com for our group-work as soon as i have access to the wiki…

Apr. 152008

As mentioned on our common weblog, it seemed sensefull to change to individual blogs.

The old posts i made are listed here.

And something else i found out is a nice tool to compare blogs, which i used to decide to continue with wordpress.com as host for my new blog.

More to come soon

As mentioned on our common weblog, it seemed sensefull to change to individual blogs.

The old posts i made are listed here.

And something else i found out is a nice tool to compare blogs, which i used to decide to continue with wordpress.com as host for my new blog.

More to come soon

Apr. 152008

Here you will find all the posts i made so far about the seminar in the older blog:

goodbye [hau]

April 15th, 2008

As we figured out the difficulties to use a common blog with several people, i am going to leave this one and create my own, new.

One of the main problems might occure when two people are at the same time registrated as admin, this is possible but might cause inconsistency.

If two people edit one post or a page and both save their changes, only one will be saved and published

goodbye and see you on my new blog (i will write a comment with the new adress)

what is e-learning about [hau]

April 11th, 2008

well, after setting up the new blog from www.slyhau.edublogs.org to www.slyhauseb.edublogs.org and importing the old posts and comments, the layout is still not done.

In this post i want to write some descriptions and personal views on e-learning.

As i guess other participants used allready the description of wikipedia, i want to start with the university hamburg. At the start page there is e-learning as one category mentioned, see the link:


There you find a link to the “MICHeL Services at the University of hamburg’s regional computer center” which provides a brief description of the motivation of elearning. This is only in german to find at:

http://www.michel.uni-hamburg.de/elearning.php (link no longer available)

e-learning is categorized here as a method rather than a way to change from direct interaction in learning processes to complete virtualisation. It is said that e-learning is much more than just put material in the web to download for other people. The idea is to provide tools for linking learning content with presentation technics and to use virtual rooms for communication and learning processes.

A second source i want to mention is the wiki we created with prof. Breier for didactic of informatics:

http://webapp5.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/info-standards/infobiki/index.php/Hauptseite (link no longer available)

There are some links available about e-learning because this topic is also much linked to informatics in schools. It is mainly written in german. At ” Unterrichtsmaterial” there are some examples which are also based on e-learning. At “Informatik-Portale” you can also find platforms which provide examples for e-learning, f.e. swisseduc.ch, where you have examples for e-learning prooved in schools.

see: http://www.swisseduc.ch/search/index.html?cx=008791069951412396565%3Awfp43ps5bzw&q=e-learning&cof=FORID%3A11#1049

the description of e-learning is a mix of practical experiences in schools and other institutions aseminars/summer2008/2008/04/09/intermediate-results/nd on the other hand still in process. In Informatics you do not only use e-learning as a method but also as a content itself, as it is a way f.e. for software development to use communication via internet with tools where the learning process is also part of the development.

Last example i want to mention the following blog, which sounds interesting, but which i did not proove much on its content. So maybe i would disagree with their attitude towards e-learning but for shure they provide a lot of examples:


Last point was to mention my personal own view on the topic:

I think it makes sense to see the whole topic as an experiment to be developed and analysed in practice. It is for me not the best way to use as much technics as possible but as much as is “angemessen” / fitting to the content the learning project is about.

Sometimes it makes even more sense to have a personal discussion than a weblog or something, sometimes it makes much more sense to use technics, f.e. for centralise information about an ongoing longterm project which is based on part-projects which have to be approved with each other.

I think it is good to give more people the opportunity to train these technics to be able to reflect and choose which is the best way to use or not to use for their learning context.

i prefer for my teaching to use the strategy that the content is allready part of the method, which means it is very much connected to each other and there are contents where e-learning is making sense and there are contents where it is more problematic.

thats it for now. hope to get some critics

searching for the way

April 4th, 2008

through that blog administration.

Seems to me a bit overcrowded, so many options in the admins menue without priority-listings, so that you have to have a lot of time to find your way. I am still not able to find out, how to delete or edit our “about” text. Hmm, maybe my fault, because i am more used to wikis ;-)

expectations and experiences [hau]

April 4th, 2008

our first task for the seminar was to write about our expectations for the seminar and experiences with e-learning. My short comment on the wiki is repeated below:

my interests in the seminar are on the one side comparing technical systems in their “social software context” meaning which kind of e-learning platform has what kind of picture of educational processes as software-development-basis.
On the other side i am interested to exchange experiences with e-learning in schools and other fields as i am studying as a teacher for informatics.
Third point would be that i am interested to develop my english conversation skills and widen my view on learning processes in different contexts outside hamburg university.

For the second question i would just comment some experiences i made with wiki, moodle and commsy technology. As the wiki process is a quite transparent and open one, when i was setting up a wiki once it was very positive to have even non-finished content allready sorted and available via internet from everywhere. other people can easily develop content in a cooporative way and via history you can recognise any changes later on. So i really like wikis for coordinating, developing documents and exchanging information. The moodle platform has a much more restrictive and observing context. it is possible to check, how often somebody “was there” and the roles of participants are of more importance, than on a wiki where there are all participants working on the “same level”.
The third is commsy, which is good for exchanging documents and has a clear structure of distinction between scheldules, announcements, groups and so on. on the other side it is not handy for documentary purposes.

thats it for the beginning ;-)

 Posted by at 00:06